I am currently working with the Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre in Northam to develop a pilot project in conjunction with Wheatbelt CRCs and would like to workshop with as many Wheatbelt CRCs that are interested in participating in the CLEOWA Pilot project. I am working on a CLEO website and online booking system and would like your input in how this pilot will work best for your CRC if you want to be a part of it.
The CLEOWA pilot project is a partnership between Community Resource Centres and the Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre in Northam.
The Wheatbelt CLC is proud to announce that their legal service is coming to you! They are working with BeingThere and CRCs to offer one-on-one, live, strictly private and confidential consultations with a lawyer from a private room at your CRC. The pilot project is targeted at community members who may need legal advice, but have been putting off going to see a lawyer due to the distance or cost. |
The Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre specialises in :