I work with a range of not for profit organisations, small businesses and individuals across a range of diverse projects and topics.
From pilot projects to digital engagement support and advice.
From pilot projects to digital engagement support and advice.
ASCCAThe Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association has been at the forefront of enabling seniors to embrace new technology for 20 years.
The SWADE Project (2018) focuses on building the capacity of grass roots organisations to support seniors in their digital literacy journey. |
KSBSKimberley Small Business Support has been providing small business owners of the Kimberley with advisory services, guidance & support; referral; training & workshops; business networking & events; office space; and meeting & training rooms for more than 15 years.
We empower businesses to succeed. |
LinkwestSupporting Neighbourhood and Community Resource Centres to develop vibrant, inclusive, and connected communities in Western Australia.
WCLCThe WCLC mission is to deliver professional legal information and advice as well as tenant advocacy services to the Wheatbelt community, particularly people experiencing disadvantage or hardship.
Covering a population of some 75,000 people across an area of 154,862 square kilometres, the Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre Inc. has been delivering legal assistance and tenancy advocacy services in the Wheatbelt region since 1999. |
WunanWunan is an Aboriginal development organisation in the East Kimberley, with a clear purpose and strategy to drive long-term socio-economic change for Aboriginal people by providing real opportunities, investing in people’s abilities, and by encouraging and rewarding aspiration and self-responsibility.
BeingThereBeingthere provides an enterprise grade video conferencing service on their own, Australian hosted network using Vidyo Inc. technology.
Their point of difference is their care factor. They work with teams to ensure they all do everything possible to make meetings successful. As your virtual video conferencing department, they ensure you have pain free meetings, providing leadership and education to your team. Working to make them feel skilled and confident. If ever they need backup, Beingthere are always there. |