There's always something thats new to me. I'm constantly learning, troubleshooting, problem solving the issues my clients have. I am far from an expert. That made me stop and ask myself, well what are you then? Besides stubborn.
I have been busy. No question about that. But what do I "do", what box does my business or occupation even fall into these days? I mean, I've just started a new pilot project working with the Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre and CRCs The SWADE project I'm delivering on behalf of ASCCA (the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association) has just hit the ground running. It's all very exciting and I'm loving working with my CRC family in both these projects. Equally as exciting and satisfying is the support work I'm doing with our small and micro businesses here in Kununurra and Wyndham! I just love helping people, increasing their skills and helping them unravel things that maybe a bit confusing. But it still left me searching for a term that fits my role or purpose. After a day or two pondering other people's notions of what I am, and what category do I fit into here at TikTech Solutions, I thought, I'm not a web developer, I'm not a digital marketing specialist, I'm not a video conferencing specialist. But I do these things, and I do them well. People value my input and advice. This pondering brought me to the conclusion that I am an enabler. A capacity builder. A connector. And I like that, I connect people, I connect them to information, to tools and to other people to achieve the things they need to. Whether that's increasing the digital literacy of people at risk of digital and social isolation, or connecting regional people to information or services that they otherwise might not have (easy) access to. That's about as straightforward as I can be. So now when someone asks me what I do, I'm going to tell them, I enable, connect and help people. I am a capacity builder. It's a thing, I should say Google it, there are plenty of us out there, we just didn't quite have a name for it, but now we do. #CapacityBuilder |
AuthorNatika describes herself as a tech-tragic. Having been swept up in Apple Mania, this is where she's at her most tragic, but she's been an early adopter of new technologies for years and loves exploring ways to adapt the latest gadgets into everyday life. Archives
September 2024